

UK urged to change ‘out of date’ travel advice for Libya to reflect improved security situation

Former ambassador says the communication is cutting the country off from British businesses

Britain has been urged to change its advice against all travel to Libya which it’s claimed is “out of date” and damaging to the country’s economy.

The Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office has “strongly” advised against visiting the country since 2014 when a civil war broke out between rival governments and still warns that “the local security situation is fragile and can quickly deteriorate”.

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Former Libyan Prime Minister Fayez Al Sarraj wins libel case over Qaddafi allegation

Owner of The Mirror newspaper has agreed to pay out ‘substantial’ damages

Former Libyan Prime Minister Fayez Al Sarraj has won a libel case against a British newspaper after it published claims that he played a key role in the regime of Muammar Qaddafi.

Publishers MGN have agreed to pay damages following a report in The Mirror newspaper that allegedly listed Mr Al Serraj as holding the position of prime minister under Qaddafi.

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UK accused of ‘unacceptable’ delays over return of ‘looted’ Leptis Manga treasure to Libya

Lawyer alleges the Crown Estate is not taking its claim seriously

The UK has been accused of “unacceptable” delays in failing to respond to Libya’s case for returning Roman artefacts it claims were looted by the British in the 19th century.

The Leptis Magna columns currently sit in land owned by the Crown Estate in Windsor Great Park, just outside London, but originally formed part of an ancient Roman site on the Libyan coast.

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Wasat TV

تحقيقات | احتيال بالملايين على الجهاز التنفيذي للطيران الخاص

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Qaddafi’s ghost properties: Crumbling and losing millions due to sanctions

Offices in city’s prime areas were bought by the sovereign wealth fund but remain among assets frozen

The sign on a table at reception that says “please knock and wait for reply” and the several locks keeping the door shut makes it clear visitors are not welcome.

An office block in the heart of London’s financial district, Jardine House should be a prize asset of the Libyan people but instead has been taken over by squatters after being frozen under sanctions for more than a decade.

When The National paid a visit, the bizarre sight of a headless mannequin propped up on a chair by the door could be seen, while in the background spray-painted murals paid testimony to squatters’ creative impulses.

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Couple to repay £13m meant for training Libyan pilots, after spending it on property deals

Tevfik and Sera Jane Sekerci were called ‘dishonest’ by a judge, who ordered them to return the money

A British couple who spent £13 million on property deals, money that was meant to train Libyan pilots, have been ordered to pay it back by a UK court.

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Restitution Review

Ancient Splendour, Modern Decay: Uncovering the Leptis Magna Windsor Ruins
Leptis Magna, an ancient Roman city in modern-day Libya, is a testament to the Roman Empire’s grandeur and architectural marvels, with an intriguing rich historical value and remarkably well-preserved remains. However, when we shift our gaze to Windsor, a picturesque town in the United Kingdom, an intriguing case arises. Surprisingly, Windsor is home to a remarkable display of Leptis Magna’s ruins since the 19th century. This article delves into the perplexing narrative behind the presence of Leptis Magna’s treasures in Windsor, shedding light on the urgent need for restitution, and the ethical questions surrounding the rightful ownership and display of these significant artefacts, in an era of heightened awareness and accountability.



Top London Properties Owned By Russian Oligarchs Are Frozen in Time

The sorry state of Libyan-owned buildings in the UK capital may be a sign of things to come for sanctioned Russians. Read More



The lawyer on a mission to return Libya’s ‘stolen’ Roman heritage


The Queen’s gambit: The battle to return the ancient Libyan ruins in Windsor’s Great Park

Framing a lake in the English countryside are ancient ruins from Libya. Now a lawyer is trying to repatriate them to their country of origin Read more



The lawyer on a mission to return Libya’s ‘stolen’ Roman heritage

How Queen Elizabeth could face legal action in an effort to repatriate 2,000-year-old ruins from Leptis Magna Read more


Queen’s estate faces legal battle over Libyan ‘Elgin Marbles’

Lawyers acting for Libya have said that ‘nothing is off the table’ in the attempt to have columns returned from Windsor Great Park Read more

Leptis Magna Portrait

ARIJ Network

The Mystery of Capitana’s Resurfacing


Inside the Global Hunt to Recover Libya’s Stolen, Gadhafi-Era Assets

The uprisings in the Arab world in 2011 brought with them the hope of a new era of freedom, democracy and justice in a region that was, and in some places continues to be, plagued by oppressive dictators. They not only violated people’s human rights, but also stripped their nations of their wealth through corruption at an industrial scale. Read more


Indian investor’s covid plea can’t save claim against Libya

An UNCITRAL tribunal has terminated an Indian construction company’s US$110 million treaty claim against Libya for a failure to pay required advances, despite a plea from the investor that coronavirus conditions in its home country warranted granting an extension.  Read more


How Libyan pilots’ training budget ended up in Istanbul real estate
Prime Education, a company owned by Tevfik Sekerci, was contracted to train pilots and civil aviation executives. Instead, it invested most of the €18m the state-owned EACS gave it for this purpose in Istanbul-based land and property funds. The matter is now before an English court.  Read More



ليبيا – إذاً ، هو إنتصار جديد حققته إدارة ” قضايا الدولة ” عبر فريق قانوني ترأسه المحامي الليبي محمد شعبان فى قضية

 ضد طرف أجنبي متهم بسرقة أموال جهاز ( مؤسسة ) الطيران الليبي الخاص والشحن الجوي .

والجهاز التنفيذي للشحن الجوي والطيران الخاص هو مؤسسة ليبية لها ذمتها المالية المستقلة وشخصيتها الإعتبارية ، ويتبع هذا الجهاز وفقاً للقوانين المنشأ بها منذ سنوات طويلة لمجلس رئاسة الوزراء مباشرة ، أما إدارة قضايا الدولة فهي الجهة المخولة بالدفاع والتقاضي والترافع نيابة عن ليبيا فى الخارج والداخل .

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Embassy work rules immunity ‘incompatible’ with EU rights

UK laws which let two embassies use diplomatic immunity to block employment rights cases breached European law, the Court of Appeal has ruled.

In a case brought by former workers at the Sudanese and Libyan embassies, the court said denying access to employment laws breached workers’ human rights.

The court “disapplied” two sections of the State Immunity Act, so workers can now bring legal claims…. Read More

القانون البريطاني يمنع جمع التبرعات للجيوش، لكن ذلك لم يمنع منظمة صهيونية من نشر إعلان بصحيفة محلية يطالب بتقديم العون للجنود الإسرائيليين، مما استفز ناشطين وحقوقيين ودفعهم للعمل على وقف نشاط هذه الحملة وملاحقة القائمين عليها.

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تتنافى دعوة رئيس الوزراء البريطاني ديفد كاميرون إلى جملة تشريعية متعلقة بمكافحة “الإرهاب” مع عدد من الاتفاقيات الدولية التي وقعتها بريطانيا. وتساءل خبير قانوني بريطاني عن إمكانية تطبيقها على البريطانيين الذين قاتلوا مع الجيش الإسرائيلي في الحروب على غزة.

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ذهب ليبيا الأسود

Libya begins battle to seize $20 billion in Gadhafi assets – starting with London mansion

This $16 million house in the Hampstead area of London was bought by Moammar Gaddafi’s playboy son Saadi about six months before the Arab Spring uprisings began. Read More


Financial Times
Libya wins case to reclaim Gaddafi’s London home




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The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Rulers’ Riches. Libya acts to seize £10m Gaddafi house in London

The Gaddafis spent four decades plundering Libya amassing private jets, fast cars and expensive properties the world over. But today could see what international corruption experts claim is the first repatriation of a major asset owned by the deposed Libyan rulers.

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Libyan government reclaims Gaddafi mansion in London

(Reuters) – The Libyan government reclaimed possession from Saadi Gaddafi of a London mansion worth 10 million pounds ($16 million) after a British court ruled on Friday it had been bought using stolen Libyan state funds.

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Lies, Oil and Death in the New Libya

Sophie McBain returns to Tripoli on the first BA flight from London to see her former home, now free, and to investigate a very suspicious death. Read More


The Lawyer
Ilford firm Edwards Duthie advises Gaddafi regime on UK asset freezing

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The Economist
Recovering stolen assets Making a hash of finding the cash

Why have Arab countries recovered so little of the money thought to have been nabbed by their former regimes? Read More


The Guardian
Libya acts to seize £10m Gaddafi house in London

The Gaddafis spent four decades plundering Libya, amassing private jets, fast cars and expensive properties the world over. But next week could see what international corruption experts say is the first repatriation of a major asset owned by the deposed Libyan rulers. Read More

بريطانيا: أول حكم لاسترداد أصول “الربيع العربي”
احمد ماهر
مراسل الشؤون الدبلوماسية بي بي سي العربية
آخر تحديث: السبت، 10 مارس/ آذار، 2012، 00:01 GMT
ارسل لصديق
اطبع نسخة سهلة القراءة
بريطانيا: أول حكم لاسترداد أصول “الربيع العربي”
أصدرت المحكمة العليا في بريطانيا أول حكم من نوعه مند بداية ثورات “الربيع العربي” يقضي بإعادة منزل في لندن اشتراه الساعدي القذافي، أحد أبناء الزعيم الليبي السابق، إلى الحكومة الليبية.

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Bloomberg Business
Libyan Rebels Seek Qaddafi’s U.K. Cash, Hampstead Mansion

Sept. 1 (Bloomberg) — Muammar Qaddafi’s 12 billion pounds ($19.4 billion) of U.K. assets, including cash and a 10 million-pound mansion in London’s Hampstead neighborhood, are the new targets for the rebels that deposed the former Libyan leader. Read More


Is this house the key to seizing Gaddafi assets in the UK?

Seven Winnington Close may sound like any suburban address, but this house in London’s “Millionaire’s Row” may be the first Gaddafi family asset in the UK to be returned to the Libyan government – and could help Libyan lawyers reclaim others too. Read More